FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Village of Port Chester Industrial Development Agency (IDA) is launching a grant program to assist small businesses in Port Chester manage the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
PORT CHESTER: Village IDA program allows the IDA to provide financial assistance through the State Disaster and Emergency Loan and Grant Program.
Under the program, the IDA is making available as much as $50,000 to provide $500 grants to small businesses. The proceeds must be used for the purpose of acquiring personal protective equipment or installing equipment necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Grants as large as $10,000 are available at the discretion of the IDA should applicants pursue a more robust application process and prove need.
To qualify for a grant, an eligible business must establish that it was a financially viable entity prior to March 7, 2020, the date Governor Cuomo signed Executive Order 202 declaring a disaster emergency. Eligible entities must also conduct business in the area served by the IDA, been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and have less than 51 employees.
Applications may be downloaded from the IDA website: http://www.portchesterny.com/home/industrial-development-agency or obtained at Port Chester Village Hall at the security desk and the office of the Village Clerk.
Completed applications will be accepted through November 5th provided funds remain available.
The Port Chester IDA Board believes small businesses are a vital part of the Village’s economy and that many of them require assistance to navigate the hardships associated with the pandemic. It is hoped that these small grants, when combined with other relief that is available at the County, State, and Federal level, can sustain our businesses through these unprecedented times. Information on other grant and loan opportunities is available on the IDA’s Covid-19 page on its website.