MEETING AGENDA: 6 PM: Closed session to interview government executive search firms for new village manager.
7 p.m.: Open meeting. Draft agenda:
1) Public hearing to consider adopting a local law with regard to memorials in the parks.
2) Discussion on regulating vape shops and liquid nicotine in the village followed by actions to study a proposed local law.
3) Public comments. 4) Planning and Economic Development updates.
5) Village-wide property conditions study and Neighborhood Revitalization Strategies Report.
6) Acceptance and adoption of the Land Use Law Center of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Commercial Displacement Mitigation Strategies for Port Chester.
7) Retainer of government executive search firm to assist in the search for a new village manager.
8) Correspondence from Anthony B. Gioffre III re a petition to reclassify a portion of Highland Street as two-way street and eliminate five on-street parking spaces on the northern side of Highland Street premises: 163, 175 & 179 North Main St., 18 Mill St. and 20 Abendroth Ave.
9) Public comments and board comments. Regular bimonthly meeting. The community can join the meeting which will be posted at…..
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