PORT CHESTER: Due to an increase in coronavirus cases, Port Chester has been designated a micro-cluster by #NewYork health officials and placed under “yellow zone” restrictions.
The village jumped from 96 to 119 active cases between Thursday and Friday, according to #WestchesterCounty data.Westchester County Health Department and Open Door Family Medical Center are expanding testing in Port Chester until Tuesday. The testing initiative was made in consultation with the New York State Department of Health.Testing will be available:
- Monday, November 9: 10 a.m. -6 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 10: 10 a.m. -6 p.m.
Those who wish to make an appointment should call 914-995-7425 or click here to do so online. Walk-ins will only be accepted on a limited basis.Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the micro-cluster designation in a Friday morning news briefing. It is a strong reminder that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, Westchester County officials said.Additionally, County Executive #GeorgeLatimer and his Health Department is:
- Distributing masks and hand sanitizer to community groups and schools in Port Chester;
- Meeting with community and school leaders to discuss COVID-19 prevention and protocols; and
- Launching an educational campaign in English and Spanish.
The move to put Port Chester on the micro-cluster list comes as state health officials downgraded the restrictions on #RocklandCounty’s and #OrangeCounty’s micro-cluster.Rockland has been moved to the orange category from red. Orange has been moved to the yellow category from orange….
SEE ALSO: The Yonkers Newswire, Where The City Of Yonkers Has Also Had A jump Of Daily Cases.