PORT CHESTER: Many disgusted Port Chester families are concerned about what will happen if Thomas Corbia continues to refuse to co-operate with the Board of Education’s $20,000 plus investigation.
Energized Port Chester voters tired of the status quo in the minority majority village want to know what individual school board members will do if the school board president continues to turn over his devises for evidence of a hacking attack that spewed racial hatred into the community.
Community activists say the village has been two previous investigations where Tom Corbia has refused to cooperate and faced no repercussions.
They say four years ago, Tom Corbia had a disregard for school policies and procedures, when in a lawsuit against the district, he admitted under oath in a 2016 deposition, that he had passed confidential information to the person suing the school districts taxpayers and it was determined that it was a flagrant violation of his BOE duties and fiscal responsibilities to protect the schools.
Then, in 2018, another investigation involving Tom Corbia occurred, concerning information being about contract negotiations for the current superintendent – that was leaked prior to the contract being finalized.
At that tom Corbia refused to cooperate with the investigation to determine who leaked the sensitive information, thus making it impossible for the investigation to be completed.
Now Tom Corbia is involved in a third investigation, with in a four-year period, this time involving racially insensitive social media posts being made on his personal Facebook account.