restaurant owners and operators?
PORT CHESTER: Come on politicians, help these people. Why can’t there by indoor dinning even at 25% or so capacity.
FACTS: There is only so much local government can do, meaning the Port Chester Board of Trustees. But Port Chester restaurant owners need help…NOW!!
I’m sure that State Senator Shelley Mayer and Assemblyman Steve Otis are trying their best but they must try harder.
Right around the corner, the village of Rye Brook and the city of Rye restaurants are serving inside dining.
Why was Rye City and Rye Brook out of the Orange zone?
Why can’t Port Chester open their restaurants like the gyms and other businesses can open as of now.
Why can’t Port Chester be like their surrounding neighbors?
Is it because Port Chester is a majority minority community and no one gives a X#@?… you know what I mean.
Action must be taken. If I was a betting person, the people at the Governor’s office making these decisions probably never heard of Port Chester, much less ever visited unless on their way to a fundraiser…or go to restaurants where you can eat inside…Rye City, Rye Brook or even…. Greenwich, CT.
Someone has to get to Governor Andrew Cuomo and have him understand what is going on in Port Chester.
How long can this go on?
My suggestion is that every Port Chester resident should telephone the Governor’s office at 518-474-8390.
I guarantee if enough people, especially Port Chester democrats, contact all of the village’s state politicians, the right people will listen and Port Chester restaurants will be opened for indoor dinning.
No politician wants to be known as a “do nothing” when times get rough.
Port Chester resturants can operate safely, following the same CDC guidelines that Greenwich, Rye Book And the City of Rye are following
What a New Year’s gift this would be for Port Chester Restaurants finally open for Indoor dining like all of the restaurants in Westchester County.