PORT CHESTER: A majority of the Port Chester School Board members and the Port Chester Board of Trustees have repeatedly demanded a fair open and transparent investigation of Tom Corbia’s racially charged posts as those who benefit from institutionalized racism have used kid gloves on the repugnant School Board And Housing Authority Board President.
There were a lot of young people in the streets of Port Chester this summer and the made the blue wave happen in the Village of Port Chester in the last election and they are upset and will remember those that did not vote for Tom Corbia to step down from his leadership position – as they allowed him to waste over $20,000 on his silly games.
Mayor Fritz Falanka is not running for mayor and a new mayor will be elected and the village will hire a new manager and superintendent of schools in the minority majority village.
But, Fritz Flanka will be remember that he failed to forcefully come forward and demand that his racist pal Tom Corbia be held accountable for his Un-America Facebook posts that represents the worst of Port Chester society.
Mayor Fritz Flanka has played USPS mail games with his racist pal and let the clock run down on his administration, instead of sending a Port Chester Police Officer to hand deliver the board of trustee’s letter to the social media degenerate.
Tom Corbia has held the village hostage, because there was a mayor, board members and trustees that refused to stand up the and defend the Port Chester children, and their families, that this nasty little man attacked.
Shame, Shame, Shame on Fritz Flanka and the other elected officials that turned a blind eye and made excuses to protect an ugly man that attacked and mocked the Port Chester children he swore to serve,
Let us hope the next Mayor of Port Chester will have a backbone and will be an good example to the youth of the village, because this was not Fritz Flanaka’s finest hour – as he blew up over and over at meetings in an effort to protect his immoral pal.