PORT CHESTER: Joan Thomas, who owns a local consultation firm under the name JGT Public Relations and had previously served as a PTA President, will she will lead the Mr. Joenes’ congressional district team in both Westchester and Rockland Counties.
Ms. Thomas serves as the executive director of the Sustainable Port Chester Alliance – a local group focused on affordable housing and development.
In 2019, Joan successfully ran for Port Chester Village Trustee as an independent candidate on her own party line, the Port Chester Action Party, thus becoming Port Chester’s first African American woman on the board of trustees.
Ms. Thomas will maintain her village trustee seat, but Port Chester activist Greg Hamilton the new volunteer Executive Director of Sustainable Port Chester Alliance.
Currently, the Village of Port Chester is facing many challenges , as Mayor Richard ‘Fritz” Falanka is stepping down along with the village manager and planning director.
Please send your Port Chester events, media alerts, meeting notices newsletters and press releases to Port Chester Newswire Editor Brian Harrod at Brian.Harrod+PortChester@gmail.com