PORT CHESTER: The village “Zoning Board of Appeals” denied the controversial Tarry Lighthouse project and all six requested variances from the village’s zoning code, by a 3-2 vote.
The latest version of the North Main Street Development plan was to build a seven-story structure on North Main Street had 242 apartment units and retail space.
The plan was heavily criticized by village residents and some elected officials.
They are highly concerned about additional traffic and change of community character, and have even launched a lawsuit against the project.
The attorney representing the developers, Tony Gioffre, argued that the project would add vitality to the community.
The project called for a variance to construct the seven-story building in an area that allows buildings of only up to six stories tall, and this seemed to be the main deal killer.
ZBA member, Art D’Estrada, said “The streets around the site are “already choked with traffic.”
Evelyn Petrone, the ZBA chairwoman said, “I feel the variances are substantial and will change the character of the neighborhood.”
Another ZBA member, Art D’Estrada, said he believed the project would be a “detriment to nearby properties.” The streets around the site are “already choked with traffic,” D’Estrada said,
Other public officials had criticized the application by developer David Mann, whose application has been under review since February 2019.
The planned construction, would take down a block of North Main Street Properties.